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  • Custom Cabinetry

  • Every piece we build is personalized from the finest timber, made to match your special area as well as style. Our cabinetry is ideal for nearly every area of your residence. From cooking areas to media rooms, finished basements and even baths, our world-class craftsmanship will guarantee you get the appearance you've consistently imagined.

  • Benefits of Custom Cabinetry

    1. Uniqueness. Custom cabinetry is made by skilled cabinet makers, not on assembly lines in other provinces, or countries. Each kitchen is unique and made with pride. Custom cabinetry is built to last using the highest quality materials and construction.
    2. Personalization: The design is virtually limitless as it's made as ordered.
    3. Much better fit. Our custom kitchens use very little to no fillers, as cabinets are built to any size that is required. This results in better use of space and gives you a better-fitted look. You can also order unique doors/drawers etc… combinations.
    4. Local wood sourcing: No climatization is required for the wood products and the quality of the wood is much, much better.  These woods have much less chance of warping and cracking.
    5. Economy. You would be totally supporting local industry/economy, made in Calgary cabinetry.
    6. Efficiency. If something has to be redone, or refinished than you don’t have to wait weeks, or months to have it reordered.